Scenography and Design


1/4660_ in collaboration with 1/ One Over studio (@oneoverstudio)

The demolition of a building marks the closure of a chapter. We mourn its loss by recording the sound of its destruction: the monotonous grind of bulldozers, the scream of metal piercing concrete, the dull rumble of each floor crumbling; six decades of history dead. The sound recordings intimately reflect the building’s former materiality; its layers, voids, volumes, and foundations take on different frequencies in demolition. Two drawings — floor plan and elevation — reconstruct the building from the sonic traces of erasure. Echoing the blueprints that usually precede a building’s construction, the drawings are lent physical heft by embroidery. The drill of needle on fabric recalls the process of demolition, but the result is quiet and shroud-like — a modest monument to the erosion of architecture.